I'm an embarrassment

HAHA Look at these race photos!

Mile 5: Look how happy I am! I'm good at faking it.
Do you see me? Way back there? With my head down? My goodness, so pathetic!
Mile 22: I was explaining to the photographer that it was very mean to take pictures at this point in the race and that I would not buy his photo. You say mean things when you're delirious!
And when my husband finally comes to one of my races, he decides THIS is the moment to take a picture together?!? I wasn't interested.

My Baby is all healed!

No, no, no, I'm not talking about my Husband who has nerve damage in his foot because he flipped an ATV in Afghanistan...

I'm talking about my other Baby...my Garmin 305 aka "Wall-E." I LOVE this little guy. I'm always excited to pull up my data on the computer, but for some reason I could not get my program to work this weekend. Luckily, the Garmin Support Crew helped me troubleshoot and saved the day! I just got the latest version of the Training Center and it looks awesome. I can't wait to play around with it, but here are some screenshots:

I wasn't kidding about the rolling hills! Do you see any flat???

And I sure wasn't kidding about all those walking breaks!

And if the 5:02 finish isn't embarrassing enough, check out my splits! Ouch!!
So if you worried about my head blowing up now that I'm a Maniac,
don't worry, this keeps me humble!

Dear Body...

Please forgive me for the egregious things I've done to you, namely running 3 marathons in 56 days. Maybe you just don't understand my needs. I need to run so your crazy mind will shut the hell up and all that stuff floating around you're head will work itself out.

I think we have a communication issue. You send me signals, but I just don't understand them. For instance, why do I have a pinched nerve in my lower back? What, you didn't enjoy that 5 hour jaunt on Saturday? It was just the two of us, and the ocean breeze. Surely, you must have enjoyed some of it? I mean, I was kind enough to show off as much of you as I could so you could get a tan (by the way, your color is looking great!). Maybe you don't appreciate me?

Ya know, I do these things for you. I try to keep you in shape, I try to keep you healthy, and I always keep you tan. The least you can do is stop complaining and recover. Please stop hurting. And for crying out loud, what's with the toenails falling off??


Hard Corps Marathon - Race Report

Last week I kept thinking, how hardcore do you have to be for the Hard Corps Marathon? Apparently, very hardcore. It was rough, really rough. I don't want to re-live it, but for the sake of this report, I will.

We were up at 4:30AM on Saturday to make the trip out to Oceanside. I slept in the car, but it didn't seem like long before we were pulling onto base. Luckily, Beau knows his way around Pendleton so he took a backroad to the start line to avoid traffic. The sun was rising when we got there and the valleys we're filled with overcast (Clue #1: Valleys = presence of hills/mountains). It was pretty cold and Beau warned me to keep on my arm warmers on because it would be colder as we ran to the ocean. I obliged thinking that Saturday would be as overcast and gloomy as Friday, this turned out to not be the case.

It was a small race, maybe 300 people, with a good mix of military and civilians. They wrote our age and "M" or "C" on our legs like it was some hardcore triathlon. This only spurred competition (and later on frustration when someone way older than me passed me). Everything felt fine and things were going as planned so I felt like I could have a decent race. Boy, was I wrong.

The first four miles were supposed to be a gradual downhill out of base towards the ocean. I quickly realized that the downhill was more like rolling hills (Clue #2: Rolling hills are a recurring theme here). My pace was around 9:00, but it felt fine and I didn't feel like I was working too hard. When we got towards the ocean, my worst fear was realized. The course was on the East-side of the freeway, about half a mile away from it, all up in those mountains! Mind you, this course is advertised all over the place as "flat" - this is a big, fat lie! I can't say I didn't expect this, I mean, look at Pendleton, but I was sure hoping for the best!

For eight miles, the course ran North. It was up and down and up and down. There were plenty of aid stations with some very friendly Marines encouraging us and offering help. Because it was such a small race, I was running alone and it was very uneventful. I was panicking, the hills were really freaking me out and my music was doing nothing to distract me. By about mile 6-7, the leaders of the race were already on their way back. They looked like hell and soon I would know why. I started counting the number of people that were on their way back, it was a good distraction. By the time I reached the turnaround, mile 12, I was #223 (Yes, I was heading up the back of the pack). I was around 2 hours so I knew I hadn't fallen so far behind, but I felt like hell. I was taking walking breaks pretty often, even though I tried not to, but kept them short. They always say that when you're having a great race the mile markers appear unexpectedly, but when you're having a bad race, you have to chase them down. I was chasing them at the halfway point - not a good sign.

I still don't know what happened. Maybe my body was exhausted from all these races. Maybe it was the heat (well into the 70s). Maybe it was all the hills, sucking my energy up. It was just one of those races. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to cry. I think I was on the verge of tears the last ten miles. I just hated it and wanted it to be over. I even called my brother at one point. He's pretty tough with me so I was looking for a kick in the ass. Somehow, someway, I trudged my way back. There's not much to say about the race, it was slow, I walked a lot, and I didn't care.

Head down in shame - couldn't even look at that clock!
I crossed the line at 5:02:36 - an absolute Personal Worst, but I still don't care. I cried a little bit because I was so frustrated and broken, but it's over. I'm still proud to have completed my 3rd marathon in 60 days. Not every race will be like LA and that's okay. A real runner knows that you have bad days and bad races. I know I can do better so I'm resting up - 47 days until the San Diego Rock N Roll Marathon! Better yet, let's call it the Rock N Redemption Marathon! Look out!

Because I need to hear it

Pressure is nothing more than the shadow of great opportunity.
Michael Johnson

It hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse.
Ann Trason

Tough times don't last, but tough people do.
A.C. Green

The gun goes off and everything changes...the world changes...and nothing else really matters.
Patti Sue Plummer

Anything worth while will not come easy.

I tell our runners to divide the race into thirds. Run the first with your head, the middle with your personality, and the last with your heart.
Mike Fanelli

It's at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys.
Emil Zatopek

Pain is temporary, quitting is final.
Lance Armstrong

I should be nervous, right?

My last of 3 marathons is this weekend, the Hard Corps Marathon at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside. I should be very nervous right now, but I'm not and that is making me nervous.

I'm coming off of two amazing marathons, not based on time, but based on the overall experience and how my body felt. Pasadena was long and hot, but I didn't feel an ounce of pain when I was done. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. It was as if my body had erased the memory of it the minute I crossed the line! LA had it's share of torture, but it was the most amazing I'd felt at a race and certainly the most fun I've ever had racing. So should I expect the Hard Corps Marathon to be the same? Or was God just being nice so I could make it to this last race and complete my goal?

There is a part of me that wants to go all out this weekend. Considering how I've felt after the last two races, I kinda think I could go all out and shoot for a PR. I don't have to protect my body and reserve anything for a future race so I could really thrash my body and be okay with it. The course is questionable, it's paved roads could kill my knees and foot and the out-and-back may freak me out (it's best to not know what lies ahead). If I could get a PR this weekend, I could really enjoy the Rock N Roll Marathon in June. I have tons of friends coming out for that race and I have hopes that it can be as fun as LA. I really want to enjoy San Diego.

The other half of me is saying Just finish the damn race and get that yellow jersey! Come hell or high-water, you will crawl across the finish line if you have to. I don't have to worry about my time, I just have to finish and then I'm a Maniac. Enjoy the day, soak it all in, and go 3 for 3!

I guess I'll be spending the week weighing these two options. I guess my body will determine how things pan out. I'm leaning towards a PR race, but I think I'm too scared to commit to it. I better toughen up. No wussies allowed at the Hard Corps Marathon!

Hmmm...can we push the limits?

As I perused some new blogs this morning, I came across a race report from a marathoner's first 50K. Not gonna lie, very intrigued.

A 50K is 31 miles. That's only 4.8 miles more than a marathon. Of course, my first thought is Pshhh, that's like 50 more minutes. I can do that. It's just one more hour. HAHA Oh, Tania, so confident, so forgetful. Yes, that is one more hour - ON TOP OF THE 4+ HOURS THAT COME BEFORE IT! Really, I have a problem people! I began to immediately scan my calendar and see when I could start training for one. Fall sounds good, right? No races planned then? And I searched the local race calendars. Seriously, people! I'm crazy, right? Who would do this?

Alright, alright, let's put the brakes on here for just a second. Before I start jumping into Ultras there are some things I have to consider:
  1. Almost all Ultras are trail runs. Although I train on trails and have done a 10K trail run, a 50K trail run would be very different than what I'm used. Marathons are entirely on asphalt. It is literally a different playing field.
  2. Although 4.8 miles doesn't seem like much, I hear that once you do a 50K you realize why it is an Ultra and not just a Marathon Plus. Somewhere in that 4.8 miles you cross over and it's very distinct.
  3. Ultras have a whole different culture that I would have to learn about. Hydration is major! Aid stations have real food and you should be running with a Camelbak. You have to take in 1000+ calories during and monitor your salt intake (ie. taking salt tabs). Lots to learn about there considering I go 26.2 miles with just 8oz of oatmeal and 3 ClifBoks in my belly.
  4. Heat factor - being this is California, an hour longer on the course, on a trail could get blistering! My finish time would be close to noon in the middle of the desert! Yikes!
  5. Am I bored yet? I am loving marathons right now! Do I really want to fast-forward or should I enjoy the honeymoon phase until I need a new challenge? This could be the perfect post-baby challenge to get me back...I'm just saying.
I'll sit on this for awhile. I'm itching, but I'm going to hold off and see how the next 2 marathons go. What do you think?

Pssst....I have a secret.

I've been keeping it for months now and have only divulged it to a few people. I have not made this public because well, I doubt myself and don't want people to judge me if I fail. So here it is....I'm trying to be a Marathon Maniac. Yeah, I know I've been running a lot lately and seem like a crazy person who loves to run, but I'm talking a legitimate "Maniac" - there's a club!! With members!! And matching jerseys!! Beautiful, hard-earned, bright-yellow jerseys....
Sometime in the Fall I heard about the "Marathon Maniacs" - a club for people in love with running marathons. Being a little bit strange myself, I was instantly intrigued and looked into it.

To be a Maniac, you have to meet the criteria for at least 1 of the 9 levels of insanity. The lowest level is Bronze requiring 1) 2 Marathons in 16 days OR 2) 3 Marathons in 90 days. Hmmmm.... I could do this. I could TOTALLY do this. And so the obsession began....

I had already had my eye on the Surf City Marathon (it got sold out so I did Pasadena instead) and started training. As I got closer to Pasadena and kept thinking about this whole Maniac thing, I looked around for a March marathon to consider. The obvious one was the new and improved LA Marathon. When Shawna mentioned her interest, I was thrilled! I would have a partner and I would be 2 for 3.

I have been dead set on this whole Maniac thing for months now, but still unsure because I had no clue what running back to back marathons would be like. Luckily, my body still loves me and I am just 1 marathon away from being a Maniac. In exactly 2 weeks I will running the Hard Corps Marathon in Oceanside and it will be my 3rd marathon in 60 days! That's right, I don't need the extra month, I'm doing it in 60! I'm thrilled to be so close to accomplishing this! I really didn't think I could do this and I'm so excited how well it has all gone. I LOVE LOVE LOVE racing right now. I especially love all the reactions I get from people when I tell them I have another marathon coming up, I really am a Maniac. Well, at least I own up to it!

Note to Self

Under no circumstances am I allowed to eat the following before a run:

-GU Chomps
-Peanut Butter

It does not end well.