Super Run 10K

Today was the big day. Leslie's first 10K! Leslie is one of my wifey friends who just had a baby 6 months ago! Hello!? Can you say "bad ass?" She's been working hard for weeks and I was thrilled to get out there and pace her today.

The race started at 7:30 and we were a bit nervous about the storm. There was a 70% chance of rain from 6-8AM, but when I left the house the rain has stopped and when we got there it was pretty dry. It was cold, but at least there was no rain. Leslie was hoping to finish in an hour and stay around a 10:00 pace. It was crowded the first 2 miles so we were pretty fast weaving around people. We had the wind on our backs the first half of the race so we had a nice push. Miles 3-4 were kind of a kick in the butt! We were getting our ass kicked by that wind! (Remember, we're in the middle of a storm, just no rain!) Aside from the wind, Leslie started lactating (see, I told you she's a bad ass!) and I have no idea what that's like, but I'm sure it doesn't feel good! (Btw, am I allowed to divulge this? Sorry! I need to paint the picture of how tough she is!) We finally hit the last bend and got the wind on our backs! Leslie started picking up the pace and was really stepping it up. I was proud, like a mama! When you can start to taste that finish line, things get rough, but she was really pushing it out. I was trying to talk her through that last bit and I'm sure that at some point she wanted to punch me in the face! haha I left her right before mile 6 to get pictures of her finishing. She came in really strong at the finish and I was beaming! I can only wish that 6 months after having a baby I can run straight through a 10K so strongly!

Mile 1: 9:18

Mile 2: 18:37

Mile 3: 30:35

(I don't remember these exactly and wasn't recording laps, oops!)

Mile 4: 41:00ish

Mile 5: 53:00ish

Mile 6: wasn't there

Finish Time: 1:04:59

Check out this chart from my Garmin. These weren't huge hills, but it sure wasn't flat!

2 Response to "Super Run 10K"

  1. Unknown Says:

    Can I just say that you and your friend are certifiably.... AWESOME!!!

    I dont know how you ladies do it, but it definitely makes the rest of us look bad, lazy, fat.... you get the picture. haha

    love ya bud!

  2. Unknown Says:

    I LOVE IT!!

    you and your friend are certifiably.... AWESOME!!!!

    thanks for making the rest of us look bad, lazy, fat.... u get the picture. haha

    love ya bud!