On Tuesday night, I decided that I would do whatever made me happy on my birthday and this definitely included a good birthday run. I stayed up a little too late making sure the house was clean so I wouldn't be tempted to clean/organize and took a little something to knock me out. I slept in until 9, made myself eggs and toast, and put on my running gear. I headed to Coronado to run on the beach and was ready to do as little or as many miles as felt good. I started out on North Island, ran by Hotel del Coronado, and past the security guard to run on Gator Beach. It was delightful! I ran pretty slowly, but I didn't care. It was a beautiful day and I was content. I even laughed when I was shoe-deep in the mud and water! The beach was littered with shells and rocks from all the recent storms and I stopped to pick up a few on my way out. When I was 3.5 miles out, I laid down and just enjoyed the view. On my way back I got kicked off the beach by some little man with a fake, orange gun. I had to detour up on the road for about a mile, but then I ran back down to the shoreline. I hit the mud again, this time I went way past ankle-deep, but I still laughed. As I was crossing a small cul-de-sac, I came upon this...This made my day! I met The Coronado Sandman. I told him it was my birthday and he added my name to the cake. (Don't know about the "I love you" part, that was there when I came back for a picture.) I was beaming as I ran back to my car! I picked up Panera Bread for lunch and headed home. I was planning to sit and read at the beach the rest of the day but I had a last-minute assignment for a job interview the next day that I needed to get started on.
I thought all my fun was done after lunch, but it really just began. The assignment had me writing a 2-page memo and prepping for a 5-minute oral presentation - all in regards to policy. I turned on the TV to catch a bit of the State of the Union and realized I was in heaven! Writing a memo AND the State of the Union?!?! I was giddy like a policy-school girl! This was a birthday gift from God, I'm sure of it!
Thanks 25 for being so sweet to me today! Let's hope the rest of the year is as successful!